Automobile Loans

Automobile loans are made to enable a person with a disability to purchase a 
significantly modified vehicle, or to make necessary significant modifications to 
an existing vehicle. The modifications such as wheelchair lifts or hand controls 
should be directly related to an individual’s disability.

Qualifying borrower must be a resident of Virginia with a disability or a family 
member of someone who has a self identified limitation to a major life function. A 
borrower must demonstrate creditworthiness and repayment abilities.

Fill out an ATLFA Direct Loan Application ( PDF or Excel) and an ATLFA Personal Information Application (PDF or Word).

Send both forms with all supporting documentation to the ATLFA to be 

*Please do not submit your applications to the Assistive Technology Loan 
Fund Authority via email because the applications are not encrypted and 
there is a risk for personal information to be obtained by others.